Appendices on Our Dark Matter Studyby@phenomenology
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Appendices on Our Dark Matter Study

by Phenomenology Technology23mFebruary 22nd, 2025
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Our universe at a large scale can be described well if we assume isotropy and homogeneity of space.

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1 Introduction to thesis

1.1 History and Evidence

1.2 Facts on dark matter

1.3 Candidates to dark matter

1.4 Dark matter detection

1.5 Outline of the thesis

2 Dark matter through ALP portal and 2.1 Introduction

2.2 Model

2.3 Existing constraints on ALP parameter space

2.4 Dark matter analysis

2.5 Summary

3 A two component dark matter model in a generic 𝑈(1)𝑋 extension of SM and 3.1 Introduction

3.2 Model

3.3 Theoretical and experimental constraints

3.4 Phenomenology of dark matter

3.5 Relic density dependence on 𝑈(1)𝑋 charge 𝑥𝐻

3.6 Summary

4 A pseudo-scalar dark matter case in 𝑈(1)𝑋 extension of SM and 4.1 Introduction

4.2 Model

4.3 Theoretical and experimental constraints

4.4 Dark Matter analysis

4.5 Summary

5 Summary


A Standard model

A Standard model

The kinetic term for the fermions (leptons and quarks) is given by

The Yukawa interactions for the leptons and quarks are given by

B Friedmann equations

Our universe at a large scale can be described well if we assume isotropy and homogeneity of space. The Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) metric hold these assumptions, which is given by,

here p and 𝜌 are the pressure and energy density of the fluid respectively whereas 𝑢𝜇 is the velocity vector in comoving coordinates. One can now derive the Friedmann equations as

Using the above two equations, one can derive the density evolution equation,

where H is the Hubble parameter.

C Type I seasaw mechanism

here subscript c stands for charge conjugation. Now one can write the above expression as follows

One can diagonalize the above mass matrix and can get mass eigenstates corresponding to

This naturally explains the smallness of neutrino masses.

D Feynman diagrams in two-component DM model

The relevant Feynman diagram for relic density analysis of scalar and fermion DM are shown in Figs. D.1 and D.2, respectively.

Figure D.1: Annihilation and coannihilation tree-level Feynman diagrams contributing to the relic abundance of 𝜒𝑅.


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(1) Shivam Gola, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai.