Automate AEM Offline Revision Cleanup with This Powerful Bash Scriptby@realgpp
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Automate AEM Offline Revision Cleanup with This Powerful Bash Script

by Giuseppe Baglio12mFebruary 24th, 2025
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Adobe Experience Manager's Oak repository is like a bustling warehouse. Over time, unused data (old checkpoints, orphaned nodes) piles up, slowing performance and eating disk space. Adobe's official documentation explains the what and why of Offline Revision Cleanup (ORC) The how often leaves DevOps executing repetitive tasks.

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Adobe Experience Manager's Oak repository is like a bustling warehouse: over time, unused data (old checkpoints, orphaned nodes) piles up, slowing performance and eating disk space. While Adobe's official documentation explains the what and why of Offline Revision Cleanup (ORC), the how often leaves DevOps executing repetitive tasks.

With this in mind, I’ll share how a simple Bash script can transform this critical-but-tedious process into a one-command operation - safely, efficiently, and with zero manual checklists.

Let automation handle the heavy lifting while you focus on something else! ☕📈

Why Bash Script Outperforms Manual Cleanup in AEM Oak

The script isn’t just a wrapper around oak-run.jar. It’s a safety-first automation tool designed for real-world enterprise environments.

Here’s what makes it stand out:

  1. Pre-Flight Checks: It verifies dependencies (java, lsof), validates paths, and ensures AEM is offline.
  2. Interactive Prompts (with an --yes override): No accidental runs.
  3. Atomic Operations: Each checkpoint removal and compaction step is isolated. If one fails, the script exits cleanly.
  4. Color-Coded Logging: Spot issues at a glance with red errors and green success states.

# Sample Log Output
[INFO] [2023-10-15 14:30:00] Starting offline revision cleanup process  
[ERROR] [2023-10-15 14:30:05] Oak command failed: checkpoints segmentstore

Script Architecture

Let’s dissect the critical components:

1. Argument Parsing & Validation

The script enforces strict input rules. Try passing an invalid port like 99999? It’ll block you. Forget the AEM directory? A friendly error appears.

# Validate port range
if [[ ! "$PORT" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || [ "$PORT" -lt 1 ] || [ "$PORT" -gt 65535 ]; then
    log_message "ERROR" "Invalid port number: $PORT"
    exit 1

2. The Oak Command Engine

The run_oak_command function handles all interactions with oak-run.jar, including error trapping. Notice the -Dtar.memoryMapped=true flag, a performance tweak for large repositories: By allowing memory-mapped file access, it reduces I/O overhead during compaction.

run_oak_command() {
    java -Dtar.memoryMapped=true -jar "$OAK_RUN" "$@"
    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
        log_message "ERROR" "Oak command failed: $@"
        exit 1

3. Safety Nets You’ll Appreciate at 2 AM

  • Port collision prevention: Script exits if AEM is still up, avoiding data corruption.
  • Input validation: Rejects non-existent paths or invalid ports up front.
  • User prompts: Optional confirmations at each critical stage (unless --yes is set)

How to Run The Bash Script

  1. Prerequisites:
  • AEM instance fully stopped
  • oak-run.jar version matching your AEM/Oak deployment
  • Backup of crx-quickstart (yes, really!)

2. Execute the Script:

./ -d /opt/aem/author -o ./oak-run-1.42.0.jar --yes

  1. What Happens Next:
  • Segmentstore compaction
  • Datastore compaction
  • Logs written to stdout

Troubleshooting Cheat Sheet

Problem: Script fails with "AEM is still running"


# Find AEM pid among lingering Java processes
ps aux | grep java | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' 
# Kill AEM process
kill -9 AEM_PID

Problem: oak command failedduring compaction

  1. Check Oak/AEM version compatibility
  2. Ensure adequate disk space (2x repository size)
  3. Test with --debug for verbose logging

Problem: Script fails with Permission denied”

chmod +x and ensure the user has read/write access to AEM directories.

Customizations for Power Users

While the base script works out of the box, its real value shines when tailored to your team's workflow. Here's how to transform it into a production-ready powerhouse:

1. Enhanced Monitoring & Analytics

Add a pre-compaction disk usage snapshot to quantify your ROI:

# Capture before/after metrics  
DISK_USAGE_PRE=$(du -sh $CQ_REPO_PATH | awk '{print $1}')  
# ... run compaction ...  
DISK_USAGE_POST=$(du -sh $CQ_REPO_PATH | awk '{print $1}')  
log_message "INFO" "Disk reclaimed: $DISK_USAGE_PRE → $DISK_USAGE_POST"

2. Intelligent Alerting

Replace passive logging with proactive notifications. For example, trigger a Slack alert on failure:

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then  
    curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' \  
    --data "{\"text\":\"🚨 AEM ORC failed on $(hostname)\"}" \  

3. Dynamic Retry Logic

Oak compaction can fail due to transient I/O issues. Add resilience with exponential backoff:

RETRY_DELAY=60 # seconds
for ((i=1; i<=$MAX_RETRIES; i++)); do  
    run_oak_command "compact" "$store"  
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then  
    sleep $(($RETRY_DELAY * $i))  

What’s your killer customization? Please share it in the comments.

Final Thoughts: Elevating Maintenance from Chore to Strategic Advantage

Let’s face it: tasks like Offline Revision Cleanup rarely make the highlight reel of a developer’s day. They’re the unsung, unglamorous chores that keep systems alive. But the truth is how you handle these tasks defines the reliability of your AEM ecosystem.

This script isn’t just about avoiding OutOfDiskSpaceErrors or shaving seconds off query times. It’s about operational maturity. By automating ORC, you’re not just solving a problem, you’re institutionalizing consistency. You’re replacing tribal knowledge (“How did we do this last time?”) with version-controlled, auditable code.

For DevOps teams, the payoff is twofold:

  1. Risk Reduction: No more “fat-finger” mistakes during manual compaction.
  2. Scalability: Apply the same script across dev, stage, and prod environments with predictable results.

What’s Next?

  • Grab the script, tweak it for your team’s alerting/logging stack, and run it in a staging environment.
  • Measure the before/after: Disk space reclaimed? Startup times improved? Share the metrics with leadership — it’s a win they’ll understand.
  • Bonus points: Integrate it into your CI/CD pipeline as a post-deployment health check.

IMHO the future of AEM ops isn’t about working harder — it’s about scripting smarter. Now, go turn those maintenance windows into something more exciting. (Or at least, something that doesn’t keep you up at night.)

What’s your automation success story? Drop a comment below — I’d love to hear how you’re taming AEM’s complexity.


# =============================================================================
# AEM Offline Revision Cleanup Script
# =============================================================================
# Purpose: Performs maintenance operations on Adobe Experience Manager's Oak 
# repository, including checkpoint management and compaction.
# Source:
# Version: 1.0.0
# Author: Giuseppe Baglio
# =============================================================================

# Color definitions for better readability
NC='\033[0m' # No Color

# Default values for command line arguments
SKIP_CONFIRMATION=false # Flag to skip user confirmation

# Function to display usage/help message
show_help() {
    cat << EOF
Usage: $(basename "$0") [OPTIONS]

Performs offline revision cleanup for an AEM instance, including checkpoint management
and compaction of the Oak repository.

    -h, --help              Display this help message
    -p, --port PORT         Specify the AEM instance port (default: 4502)
    -d, --aem-dir DIR       Specify the AEM installation directory (required)
    -o, --oak-run FILE      Specify the path to oak-run.jar (required)
    -y, --yes               Skip confirmation prompts and proceed automatically
    --debug                 Enable debug mode for verbose output

    $(basename "$0") --port 4502 --aem-dir /path/to/aem --oak-run /path/to/oak-run.jar --yes

    - Java 1.8 or higher
    - lsof utility
    - AEM must be completely shut down before running this script
    - Adequate disk space for compaction

Note: Always maintain a backup before running this script.

    exit 1

# Function to log messages with timestamp
log_message() {
    local level=$1
    local message=$*
    local timestamp
    timestamp=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    case "$level" in
        "INFO")  printf "${GREEN}[INFO]${NC} ";;
        "WARN")  printf "${YELLOW}[WARN]${NC} ";;
        "ERROR") printf "${RED}[ERROR]${NC} ";;
        *)       printf "[${level}] ";;
    printf "[%s] %s\n" "$timestamp" "$message"

# Function to handle debug output
debug_log() {
    if [ "$DEBUG_MODE" = true ]; then
        log_message "DEBUG" "$*"

check_dependencies() {
    local dependencies=("java" "lsof")
    for dep in "${dependencies[@]}"; do
        if ! command -v "$dep" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
            log_message "ERROR" "'$dep' is not installed. Please install it and try again."
            exit 1
        debug_log "Found required dependency: $dep"

# Function to parse command line arguments
parse_arguments() {
    while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
        case $1 in
                shift 2
                shift 2
                shift 2
                log_message "ERROR" "Unknown option: $1"

    # Validate required arguments
    if [[ ! -d "$CQ_HOME" ]]; then
     log_message "ERROR" "AEM directory (-d|--aem-dir) is required and must exist"
    # Validate oak-run.jar
    if [[ ! -f "$OAK_RUN" ]]; then
        log_message "ERROR" "oak-run.jar not found at '$OAK_RUN'"
        exit 1
 # Validate port number
    if [[ ! "$PORT" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || [ "$PORT" -lt 1 ] || [ "$PORT" -gt 65535 ]; then
        log_message "ERROR" "Invalid port number: $PORT (must be between 1 and 65535)"
        exit 1

# Function to run oak commands with proper error handling
run_oak_command() {
    local command=$1
    local store=$2
    local args=${3:-""}
    debug_log "Running oak command \"$command\" on $store with args \"$args\""
    java -Dtar.memoryMapped=true -jar "$OAK_RUN" "$command" "$CQ_REPO_PATH/$store" $args
    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
        log_message "ERROR" "Oak command failed: $command $store $args"
        exit 1

# Function to check if AEM is running
check_aem_off() {
    lsof -i tcp:"${PORT}" | awk 'NR!=1 {print $2}' | sort -u | wc -l

# Function to prompt for user confirmation
wait_user_input() {
    local prompt_message=${1:-"Do you wish to continue"}
    local additional_info=$2

    # If --yes flag was used, skip confirmation
    if [ "$SKIP_CONFIRMATION" = true ]; then
        log_message "INFO" "Skipping confirmation (--yes flag used)"
        return 0

    # Display additional information if provided
    if [ -n "$additional_info" ]; then
        printf "\n%s\n" "$additional_info"

    printf "\n${YELLOW}%s [Y/n]${NC} " "$prompt_message"
    read -r response

    case $response in
        "y"|"yes"|"Y"|"")  # Empty response defaults to yes
            return 0
            log_message "INFO" "Operation cancelled by user"
            exit 0
            log_message "ERROR" "Please answer 'y' for yes or 'n' for no (default: y)"


# Main script execution starts here
parse_arguments "$@"

# Set repository paths

# Validate repository path
if [ ! -d "$CQ_REPO_PATH" ]; then
    log_message "ERROR" "Repository folder not found: $CQ_REPO_PATH"
    exit 1

# Check if AEM is running
if [ "$(check_aem_off)" -eq 0 ]; then
    log_message "WARN" "[!] Always make sure you have a recent backup of the AEM instance."
    log_message "INFO" "Starting offline revision cleanup process"
    # Process both datastore and segmentstore
    for store in segmentstore datastore; do
        log_message "INFO" "Processing $store..."
        log_message "INFO" "Finding old checkpoints in $store"
        run_oak_command "checkpoints" "$store"
        log_message "INFO" "Removing unreferenced checkpoints from $store"
        run_oak_command "checkpoints" "$store" "rm-unreferenced"
        log_message "INFO" "Running compaction on $store"
        run_oak_command "compact" "$store"
        log_message "INFO" "Completed processing $store"

    log_message "INFO" "Revision cleanup completed successfully"

 log_message "ERROR" "AEM is still running on port $PORT. Please shut it down first."
    exit 1